A World of Learning at Cedar Hill Prep School

Cedar Hill Prep School is a private school located in Somerset, New Jersey, that services students from 23 towns around the New Jersey-Pennsylvania region. As reflected in our community and curriculum, we embody diversity, unity and cultural immersion through embracing cultural differences, making us curious to imbibe, immerse, and understand the world. Our curriculum is designed to provide visible learning outcomes and maintain flexibility. Small class sizes and differentiated instruction have proven to be efficient and effective in student learning. Student performance is evaluated and benchmarked against the curriculum; accommodations are made as necessary. Cedar Hill Prep’s curriculum leads to high academic outcomes – students of Cedar Hill Prep have consistently been in the top-10 percentile of the nation over the last ten years. Nurturing our students to achieve their unique potential promotes sincere, driven, strategic, and knowledgeable education. Our educators strive to inves...